Convert more leads into sales by being able to share your screen, or share their screen, with the click of a button! CoBrowsing Increases Customer Satisfaction
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Convert more leads into sales by being able to share your screen, or share their screen, with the click of a button! CoBrowsing Increases Customer Satisfaction
Convert more leads into sales by being able to share your screen, or share their screen, with the click of a button! CoBrowsing Increases Customer Satisfaction
Make Things Easy With Co-Browsing
No Need For Customer To Explain Their Issue, Let Them Simply Show You
Solve Issues x4 Times Quicker
Eliminate compounding issues
Maximize Online Presence & Conversion
Go Above & Beyond Customer Expectations
Don’t Explain. Demonstrate
We all want happy customers. Our CoBrowsing feature means you can log on to your customer’s computer, phone or tablet to directly access the specific website they are on and get the issue or query resolved, then and there
Customer Interaction Options
LiveCaller’s CoBrowsing option means you and your customers have the power to use whichever other features work you want. Choose from Voice Call, Online Chat, or CoBrowsing - any of which can help you get the issue or query resolved quickly
Increase Customer Flow
The ability to guide customers smoothly and swiftly through their requests via CoBrowsing means that you can process more customers within a shorter time period, increasing your customer satisfaction and saving you money
Eliminate Customer Issues. There and Then!
Our CoBrowing feature means that, rather than having to explain over the phone or chat with a customer how to fix their problem, you can just show them. Or even better, do it for them! Login directly to the visitor’s phone, tablet, or computer device and use their cursor to direct them. Or even connect through a CRM platform